Tuesday and Thursday
from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Chi kung: the Chinese gymnastics of serenity.

Chi kung (also called chikung or qi gong) teaches to gain serenity and self confidence. And it counteracts stress through stillness, breathing and body exercises.

The purpose of chikung is to restore harmony at any moment, not only to heal but to prevent any bodily disorder, to balance the energy so that it flows freely, to store it, to increase it, to compensate and refine it; acting on a physical, psychic and mental level.

Its ultimate goal is to transcend body and mind, and refine the energy in such a way that it leads the individual to a spiritual experience.

It adapts to the needs of each person, their situation, the moment they are living: times of the year and part of the day. There are exercises for all ages.

It has two main aspects: one, interior, sweet, soft, meditative and slow movements; and the other external, dynamic, martial and fast and syncopated movements.

Not only parts of the body are worked, but the organism and the individual as a whole.

It acts from within the human being through the organs, breathing and thinking.
It also intervenes from the outside through food, baths, diets, sexual techniques and exercises themselves.


The benefits obtained from regular and periodic practice (very important point!) Of chi kung depend on its characteristics.

The slowness allows the internal movements of the body to be followed. For example the wetting of the eye, the skin, the movements of the digestive system, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, etc. Thus, the functioning of the physiological organs and systems is developed and facilitated, avoiding discomfort and disease.

Circular and spiral movements follow the structures of bones and muscles; toning them, invigorating and consolidating them. By placing the coccyx naturally, the lumbar vertebrae are opened and the spine is protected; back pain is avoided and body position and alignment is improved.

Chikung is an ideal exercise for before or after any continued physical effort, such as a tennis match, an aerobics class, a long car or plane trip, etc.

The concentration and unity of body and mind that is derived from it reduces stress, arouses attention without stress, increases defenses, improves balance and helps prepare activities that need an energy concentration.

It is important to remember that the practice of chikung is pleasant and that it puts us in contact with the body and, through it, with the millions of materials that it produces, and the cells that continually manufacture them.

It is a lesson of affirmation and optimism that we experience and connect us with the miracle of changes: through body movement we relate to the planet that moves within the galaxy.

And through breathing and air we approach the eternal, silent, invisible and boundless energy that existence gives us, allows movement to be born and feeds the universe: spiritual energy.
En TAOLANDIA® Cuatro Caminos, Todas las Técnicas de Masaje, Shiatsu, Tui Na, Masaje Integral, 
Tailandés, Descontracturante, Relajante, Abdominal, Anticelulítico, Osteopatía, 
Quiromasaje, Ritual Tailandés en Pareja y muchos más.

 YOGA, CHI KUNG, STRETCHING (ESTIRAMIENTOS MUSCULARES), Pilates, Mindfulness, Meditación, Reiki Usui, Técnicas de Relajación, Baños de Gong, Conciertos de Cuencos Tibetanos, Thetahealing Básico y Avanzado, Constelaciones Familiares, Nutrición, Tantra, y muchas más...

Tienda Natural y Biológica, Complementos Naturales, Cocina Ecológica, Instrumentos Espirituales, 
Cristales, Inciensos, y un sin fin de artículos más.

Cursos y Conferencias de Reiki Usui, Masaje, Cocina Ecológica, Gong, Couching, etc..
Important note: “The Complementary and Natural Techniques that we lend and teach do not replace or
exclude the conventional medical or pharmacological care or treatment prescribed by health professionals ”.
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