José Luis Badía Gómez, General Director and Founding Partner of THAILAND.
Taoist philosopher, lover of nature, defender of human and animal rights.
Passionate about his work and always willing to share his experiences and knowledge.

- Diploma in Reiki Usui, Levels I, II, and III.
- Diploma in Usui Reiki Master.
- Diploma in Integral Massage with Techniques of Tui Na, Suction Cups, Moxa and Digitoppression.
- Diploma in Suction Cups, Moxa and Digitoppression.
- Diploma in Muscle Stretching.
- Diploma in Anti-Cellulite Massage and Beauty.
- Diploma in Tibetan Bowls Technique.
- Diploma in Distal Acupuncture.New paragraph

José Luis Badía Gómez, General Director and Founding Partner of TAOLANDIA®.

Aurora Palomo Sánchez, miebro del equipo técnico de TAOLANDIA®. Técnica Holística.

José Luis Badía Gómez, General Director and Founding Partner of THAILAND.

Holistic Technician, Taoist Philosopher, lover of nature, defender of human and animal rights, passionate about his work and always willing to share his experiences and knowledge.

- Diploma in Reiki Usui, Levels I, II, and III.
- Diploma in Usui Reiki Master.
- Diploma in Integral Massage with Techniques of Tui Na, Suction Cups, Moxa and Digitoppression.
- Diploma in Suction Cups, Moxa and Digitoppression.
- Diploma in Muscle Stretching.
- Diploma in Anti-Cellulite Massage and Beauty.
- Diploma in Tibetan Bowls Technique.
- Diploma in Distal Acupuncture for Pain Treatment.
Aurora Palomo Sánchez, member of the TAOLANDIA technical team. Holistic technique

- Nursing Assistant, Madrid.
- Medical Emergency Technician, Madrid.
- Structural Osteopathy, Madrid.
- MTC, European School of Acupuncture MINGMEN. Madrid.


- Usui III Reiki level Usui healing system
- Foot reflexology.
- Treatment of the Myofascial Pain Syndrome Dry Puncture.
- Chiromassage and Functional Bandages.
- Vodder Lymphatic Drainage.
- Craneopuncture.
- Auriculotherapy.
- Distal acupuncture for the treatment of pain.

Jorge Guedón, member of the technical team of THAILAND.

Jorge Guedón is a philologist and sexologist, teacher specializing in values education, mountain guide, free time coordinator and energy therapist, he has graduated as an Advance Master in NLP, Master Trainer in Mindfulness.
- Diploma in Emotional Education.
- Master of Cognitive Engineering.
- Sexual and Couple Coach and Clinical Sexology.

At the same time, he has trained in complementary bioenergetic and mystical therapies, internal and external martial arts and oriental meditation. In this field, he is a reconnective healer, energy therapist, quantum therapist and vibrational facilitator.

He specializes in Taoist energy technique, oriental contemplative techniques, Zen Meditation.

Master of Reiki, Akashic Records and Sacred Sexuality, creator of the Training, Therapy and Energy Training systems of Quantum Sex Healing TM and TaoGym TM.
Alba Garcia, member of the technical team of
Pablo Domínguez, miembro del equipo técnico de TAOLANDIA.

 Pablo Domínguez es Afinador Álmico y formador en la práctica de técnicas energéticas para el bienestar y la salud, así como creador y facilitador de la Técnica Holística Almasarán (THA).

¿Qué es un Afinador Álmico? , es una de las preguntas más habituales que me suelen hacer en sus sesiones de Mentoría Álmica o en sus cursos, y siempre le gusta contar que al igual que un Luthier ajusta todo lo necesario en un instrumento que suena desafinado, un Afinador Álmico es aquella persona que te ayuda y acompaña a la hora de armonizar aquello que es necesario en el alma, porque ya sea en personas o en instrumentos, todos vibran de la mejor forma cuando están afinados. 

A lo largo de estos años ha tenido la oportunidad de aprender y formarse en diferentes tipos de Reiki hasta llegar a las Maestrías de:

-Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho
-Reiki Usui Japonés
-Reiki Karuna
-Reiki Bio-Integrativo
-Sanación Espiritual

Así como de otras disciplinas terapéuticas como:

- Péndulo Universal
- Péndulo Hebreo
- Extracción de Implantes y Larvas astrales
- Biodescodificación
- Transgeneracional
- Par Biomagnético

Es también facilitador y creador de la Técnica Holística Almasarán (THA) y gracias a la experiencia y formación adquirida durante estos años, ha desarrollado una nueva Técnica Holística donde aplica y combina a la vez y en una sola sesión las herramientas más completas y efectivas a la hora de limpiar, sanar y armonizar aquello que prioritariamente nos está bloqueando ya sea de origen Espiritual, Energético, Emocional, Psicológico, Físico y/o Geobiológico.

¡Visita su canal de youtube, con herramientas para tu crecimiento personal y espiritual y se siempre tu mejor versión!

También puedes visitar su pagina web:
Adriana Oddone, member of the technical team of THAILAND.

- Degree in Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapist.
- Expert in Psychotherapy and Gestalt approach in group processes in Gestalt therapies.
- Enneagram specialist.
- Psychotherapist specialized in duels.
- Doctorate Psychology, Education and development contemporary perspectives.
- Management of non-profit associations (CEAR).
- Master in Immigration International Shelter and inter-community relations Autonomous University of Madrid.
- Bach Flower Technique.

With an extensive professional career in psychology:

- Independent professional, currently working with migrant population, in individual and group therapy, designing and executing workshops for integration and psychosocial regrouping of emigrant families.
- Collaborator in the radio program “Locamania” broadcast by the Super Q radio aimed at emigrant population of Latin American origin.
- Conductor and producer of the "Con S de Sueños" and "Carpe Diem" personal development programs broadcast on ESPY radio, focused on the emigrant population of Latin American origin.
- Collaborator in Ñanduty Magazine.
- Collaborating teacher. Chair of Medical Psychology School of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid.
- Facilitator in Personal Growth Workshops, Casa La Poveda.
- Psychologist Coordinator of the "Mother Project". Godmother Foundation.
- Facilitator in workshops of Personal Growth NGO International Cooperation.
- Professor Universidad Comunera Asunción Paraguay.
- Coordinator of the University Extension Project, Universidad Comunera. Asuncion, Paraguay.
- Psychotherapist of the project "Return to Joy", support for victims in post-traumatic stress situation, after a great fire that affected a significant part of the Paraguayan population. Financed by UNICEF -Asunción Paraguay.
- NGO PROMESA. Coordinator of the Art and Part Project Peer Sex Education. Asuncion, Paraguay.
- NGO TASK. Coordinator and Facilitator in workshops for teachers in Rural Area, Asunción-Paraguay.

Jorge Guedón, member of the TAOLANDIA® technical team.

Alba García, miembro del equipo técnico de TAOLANDIA.

Alba García es violinista y actriz profesional. Ha trabajado y trabaja en
cine, televisión y teatro. Cuenta con una nominación a los premios Goya
en la categoría de actriz revelación por su trabajo en el largometraje
“Verbo”, dirigido por Eduardo Chapero-Jackson. Su formación es
continua, realizando diversos cursos de técnica vocal, expresión corporal
e interpretación.

Es también Coach Personal e instructora de Meditación.

- Titulada en Nutrición Humana, Herbodietética y en Naturopatía.

Actualmente se encuentra realizando formaciones superiores como Health Coach y como instructora de Danza Creativa-Arte en Movimiento.
Pablo Dominguez, member of the technical team ofTHAILAND.

Pablo Dominguez is Almic tuner and trainer in the practice of energy techniques for well-being and health, as well as creator and facilitator of the Almasarán Holistic Technique (THA).

What is a soulic tuner? , is one of the most common questions that I usually ask in their sessions of Almic Mentoring or in their courses, and always likes to tell that just like a Luthier adjusts everything necessary in an instrument that sounds out of tune, an Almic Tuner is that person that it helps and accompanies you when it comes to harmonizing what is necessary in the soul, because either in people or in instruments, they all vibrate in the best way when they are tuned.

Throughout these years he has had the opportunity to learn and train in different types of Reiki until he reaches the Masters from:

-Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho
-Japanese Usui Reiki
-Reiki Karuna
-Bio-Integrative Reiki
-Spiritual healing

As well as other therapeutic disciplines such as:

- Universal pendulum
- Hebrew pendulum
- Astral Implants and Larvae Extraction
- Biodecoding
- Transgenerational
- Biomagnetic Pair

He is also a facilitator and creator of the Almasarán Holistic Technique (THA) and thanks to the experience and training acquired during these years, he has developed a new Holistic Technique where he applies and combines at the same time and in a single session the most complete and effective tools to the time to clean, heal and harmonize that which is primarily blocking us from Spiritual, Energetic, Emotional, Psychological, Physical and / or Geobiological origin.

Visit your YouTube channel, with tools for your personal and spiritual growth and always be your best version!

Pablo Domínguez, member of the TAOLANDIA® technical team.

In TAOLANDIA® Cuatro Caminos, All Massage Techniques, Shiatsu, Tui Na, Integral Massage,
Thai, Decontracting, Relaxing, Abdominal, Anti-cellulite, Osteopathy,
Chiromassage, Thai Ritual in Couple and many more.

YOGA, CHI KUNG, STRETCHING (MUSCLE STRETCHES), Pilates, Mindfulness, Meditation, Usui Reiki, Relaxation Techniques, Gong Baths, Tibetan Bowl Concerts, Basic and Advanced Thetahealing, Family Constellations, Nutrition, Tantra, and many more .. .

Natural and Biological Store, Natural Complements, Ecological Kitchen, Spiritual Instruments,
Crystals, Incenses, and endless articles.

Usui Reiki Courses and Conferences, Massage, Organic Cuisine, Gong, Couching, etc.

Nota importante: “Las Técnicas Complementarias y Naturales que prestamos y enseñamos no sustituyen ni 
excluyen la atención o el tratamiento médico o farmacológico convencional prescrito por profesionales sanitarios”.
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